2023 – 2027
Project description
Develop Innovative Offshore Logistic – Accommodating the needs from The Esbjerg Declaration
DIOL will support the realization of the Esbjerg Declaration: Transforming the North Sea into a Green Plant of Europe. The objectives are met through actions among partners from Denmark, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, and France.
Key Goals
- Develop a transnational, resilient logistics chain to support the targets of 65GW offshore wind by 2030 and 150 GC by 2050, along with 20GCW green hydrogen production by 2030.
- Enhance the infrastructure of vital hubs to accommodate next-gen offshore vessels and structures.
- Define technical, legal, and business requirements for port and airport upgrades to mee the objectives.
- Ensure the security of renewable energy supply and infrastructure through innovative technologies like smart drones, fences, robots, and AI.
DIOL responds to the Directive 2018/2001 by addressing:
- THE ESBJERG DECLARATION on the North Sea as a Green Power Plant of Europe (NS GPPoE), signed on 18th May 2022.
- THE OOSTEND DECLARATION on the North Sea as Europe’s Green Power Plant delivering cross-border projects and anchoring the renewable offshore industry in Europe, signed on 24TH April 2023.
- Lead Beneficiary: Airport of Esbjerg/Municipality of Esbjerg (DK)
- Project Leader: Director Mrs. Susanne Kruse Sørensen, Airport of Esbjerg
Number of DIOL partners: 13
Logistic hubs:
- Airport of Esbjerg (DK)
- Port of Esbjerg (DK)
- Port of Cuxhaven (Nports) (DE)
- Airport Den Helder (NL)
- Port of Oostende (BE)
- Port of Brest (FR)
Scientific Providers:
- Fraunhofer (DE)
Technology Providers:
- AquaSmart Engineering BV (NL)
- H2X Ecosystems (FR)
- Brittany Aviation (FR)
- Skeydrones (BE)
- SeaTopic (FR)